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The Perfect Pitch in 5 Steps

Writer's picture: Alpha MooseAlpha Moose

Whether it’s for a new client, the media, or an investor, there’s a good chance that at some point you will have to pitch your business and convince a complete stranger that you know what you’re doing.

It can feel daunting to talk about how much of an expert you are, but the more clients you have, the more media coverage you get, and the more investors giving you their money, the more you can grow your business.

So let’s check out some ways to have a perfect pitch - no singing required.

1. Find the Right People

Generic mass marketing to every email you can find might seem tempting, but a well crafted, tailored pitch will set you apart from the other groups who are trying to reach these same clients, journalists or investors.

It might take some time, but start by visiting the social media of people you know are involved in your line of work, media outlets that promote businesses like yours, and investors who are interested in supporting groups that you belong to (i.e., woman-owned businesses, small businesses, etc.).

Instead of sliding into their DMs right away, connect with them on Twitter or LinkedIn, and then email them your pitch. You won't get as lost in their inbox, and give you multiple channels for connection.

2. Catch their Attention

Think about it: most people are REALLY busy, and that’s extra true for marketers/media professionals, investors, and others who have deadlines to meet. If they’re good at their job (and we’re guessing they are since you’re reaching out to them), they’re probably getting lots of other pitches.

The subject line of your email is the first thing they’re going to see, so you have to make sure yours stands out. Keep it concise (less than ten words) yet intriguing, and make sure the whole thing will show up on a mobile device. This is pretty high pressure, so take your time and, if needed, write the subject after you’ve completed the rest of the pitch so that you can make sure it really captures what you’re trying to say.

Pro Tip: Using a little known fact or startling statistic, tying in current events, and/or hinting that you have the perfect fix for their common problem are all great ways to get them to click on your email.

3. Get to the Point

In today’s fast-paced world of 15 second Tiktoks, we are conditioned to move on quickly from things that don’t hold our interest. No one has time for false flattery or empty compliments, so don’t waste theirs with empty “I hope you’re having a great day” or “I love your work so much" statements.

Stand out from the other pitches by starting with an emotional tie to your work. Concisely explain the common problem and how you can fix it. If you've targeted the right person with the right messaging, you’ll have them on the hook and can share your expertise and services in the body of your pitch.

Case Study: If you run an animal rescue and are trying to get the local paper to cover your upcoming event, start by talking about how many pets are homeless in your area.

“Did you know there are as many as 70 million homeless dogs and cats in the US alone? Of those 70 million, only about 6.5 million will make it into a shelter and have a chance at a better life”. Who can stop reading about homeless puppies?

4. Keep them Engaged

It’s a good sign if they’ve made it this far into your pitch, but you have to keep it compelling.

Remember, people are pressed for time, so use just a few sentences or bullet points to introduce yourself and plainly state how your product or service could solve their problem. Maybe briefly tie that to current happenings in your community or support that interesting fact that you mentioned in your subject line.

Avoid technical jargon (unless you are pitching to people in your trade or industry), and be honest. Tell them how much money it will cost, if it puts them at any risk, and of course, why the opportunity to buy from, interview, or invest with you is better than going with someone else.

5. Call to Action (CTA)

Psychology tells us that humans are much, MUCH more likely to take action if they're directly asked or told to do something. If someone's interested, but there's no clear actionable next step, that momentum fizzles out quickly.

Remember this in your closing and make sure there's a clear, direct action. Avoid sounding too demanding (no one likes arrogance) or sounding desperate (we're not trying to get a date for prom). Be confident in your expertise and clear in your communication, and they’ll be emailing you back in no time!

Case Study: Let’s revisit our animal rescue group and see what the pitch to their local journalist would look like.

Subject: I know how we can save animals

Dear James,

Did you know there are as many as 70 million homeless dogs and cats in the US alone? Of those 70 million, only about 6.5 million will make it into a shelter and have a chance at a better life.

I’m Alpha Moose, the executive director of AMW Animal Shelter for the past two decades. As inflation and the cost of living continue to rise, we are seeing more homeless pets than ever in the greater Baltimore area.

AMW is hosting a concert fundraiser featuring Teddy Swims on Saturday, September 23rd, from 6-10pm, where we expect to raise over $75,000 to fund the expansion of our rescue so we can help more pets in need. We have 3,000 anticipated attendees and expect to generate quite the waves in the community, and we'd like you to cover the story.

If you're interested in promoting our event, please email or call me directly at xxx-xxx-xxxx.


Alpha Moose

We had a short, intriguing subject line (only 7 words), caught their attention with a heartbreaking statistic about homeless animals, highlighted our experience, tied it into current events in our community, and asked specifically for coverage of our fundraising event.

This is only one pitch to one journalist, and tailoring them to various groups can be time consuming. If you’d like help perfecting your pitches, contact Alpha Moose today. Our personalized copywriting is sure to get you all of the clients, media coverage, and investments you need to take your business to the next level.

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